Your argument can be summed up like this: "I deny the evidence of my senses."
Oh, Obama was a mediocre President who accomplished little. Quite a lot of that, but not all of it, can be laid at the feet of the Republicans who deliberately refused to cooperate, but Obama did not get much done.
But compared with Trump's astonishing record of fuckup after fuckup after fuckup after fuckup after fuckup, his pathological and obsessive lying, and Trump's relentless criminality, flouting his repeated crimes while deliberately looting the government, Obama looks like a golden God.
Oh, and don't forget Trump's ongoing attempts to minimize COVID and prevent any coherent response to it! A quarter million Americans have died horribly, and most of those deaths were avoidable.
Oh, and don't forget Trump endlessly claiming that he was the "best in the world" at a vast number of skills which he in fact displayed no competence in at all!
There are sources to actual videos of Trump saying these things: "I'm the world's greatest person", "No one reads the Bible more than me" (but he was unable to name even one Book of the Bible!), "I know more about tech than anyone else", "I know more about drones than anyone", "I know more about ISIS than the generals do".
Your support for this insanity shows your gullibility. Your rant about how America isn't at all racist because a tiny number of Black Americans with exceptional talents have managed to succeed was particularly sickening.
You are the sort of person can watch some incoherent guy spew lies that change from second to second, spew hatred and mockery, and say, "I can support that".
You're a miserable, sorry excuse for a human being and I really hope that the next few months are just devastating to you and the rest of your racist, fascist crew.