Your belief, that all of climatology is a hoax, is not sane.
All the world's governments, weather and climatology institutions, and the consensus of over 97% of climatologists, is that the climate emergency is very real.
The most basic physics, known for almost 200 years, is that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will cause temperatures to rise, and here we are, already at +1ºC.
And the dissenting 3% have no actual models. It's not like there's a competing theory! No, the 3% don't agree at all on what's actually happening, whether we're getting colder or warmer or staying the same, and how or why.
Thing is, you have your delusional, childish, and literally paranoid beliefs, not because you know anything about the subject, but because you want emotionally to believe that everyone is conspiring against you to present over decades and generations a completely consistent model of climatology based on peer-reviewed papers, literally trillions of observations - an immense body of work since before either of us were born that is also, in your crazed mind, a complete and systematic hoax by scientists over all the world, somehow secretly conspiring to fake everything for... what reason?
Who knows what reason you have. To someone who has forsaken reason, any jumble of random words is sufficient to justify any belief they want to hold.
I'm sure you couldn't answer even the most basic questions, like, "How much heat energy does a gram of carbon dioxide capture?"
As I said, your beliefs are simply not sane.
Your clinical paranoia makes you a danger to yourself and others. Seek psychiatric help.